Our Story

Glenisha Thomas is the owner and founder of PrettyPonytails also the author of “Discovering the pretty within”. Mrs. Thomas was born in San Francisco, California and spent her formative years in Modesto, CA a small town in California's Central Valley region. As a child Mrs. Thomas struggled with low low-esteem and self-confidence. Using the tools of self-affirmation, prayer, and quality time with God Mrs. Thomas began to gain her confidence and increase her self-esteem. Although she did not know it at the time, this was when the seed to her passion for helping young girls was planted. While growing up in a single parent home, Glenisha did not have much financially but what she did have was one of the most powerful components on earth, love.  

Glenisha is a women of faith who has been on a journey of self-discovery in her adulthood. During this journey, the why behind Glenisha's passion for helping young girls was revealed and her purpose was exposed! PrettyPonytails was carried in the womb of Glenisha's faith until it was mature enough to stand on its own two feet. Love is what watered the seeds of low-esteem and lack of confidence transforming them into what we now know as PrettyPonytails.

Glenisha is married to Michael her loving and supportive husband of 18 years. She is the proud Mother of three beautiful children, Mariyah, Michael Jr. and Mikayla. Prettyponytails had to birthed out at the most opportune time. For Glenisha, that time is now! After experiencing homelessness from 2018-2019, Glenisha gained the strength, faith and tenacity to go after what has always been inside of her. With God, her husband and children, as motivating fuel, Glenisha launched Prettyponytails in 2019. PrettyPonytail's impact and success has garnered connections in North Carolina and across the nation. With each connection that Prettyponytail's is fortunate to make, the mission of boosting the self-esteem and confidence of young girls will continue locally, nationally and eventually the world!

Our Vision

PrettyPonytails is a 501(c)3 community non-profit organization. We offers services to ensure that young girls feel good about their appearance, self esteem and confidence. We believe that when girls feel good about themselves, they will perform better in school and social settings to help them succeed and excel academically, socially and in the future.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower under-served girls worldwide by providing haircare kits and educational empowerment to boost self-esteem and confidence.

“Hey My Beautiful Girl”